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A warm thank you
from our friends in Afghanistan!

Feed the Soul Winter Fundraising Campaign Donor Update
16 February 2022

Dear Supporters

THANK YOU for your donation this winter which has helped save the lives of vulnerable musicians in Afghanistan and their families.


  • With your generous support we have been able to get life-saving aid to over 100 musicians, distributing £8300 to help over 600 people eat and stay warm this winter.


  • In addition to the £8003 raised on the GoFundMe platform so far, we have received a £2500 grant from the Society for Education, Music and Psychology Research pushing total donations up to £10,508 so far towards our initial goal of £16,000.


  • With the addition of a number of destitute families representing some of the most historic hereditary families of musician in Afghanistan, our distribution list has swelled to over 130 individuals and their dependents. We are now aiming to raise £19,000 in total to cover this additional need. If you feel you can still contribute for another month, or share with friends, please do – the campaign is ongoing until the end of April:


Update on the current situation for musicians in Afghanistan


  • Musicians are completely silenced under the Taliban. Music making and listening to music are forbidden, with consequences including the smashing of instruments, brutalising even the murder of musicians.

  • Musicians are unable to work and live in constant in fear of violence. The International Campaign for Afghanistan’s Musicians continues to receive reports from contacts on the ground of continued persecution, threats and beatings of musicians and musicians going for days without food in order to stretch what little resources they have.

  • The situation for the people of Afghanistan and in particular those artists and cultural workers whose activities are considered to be morally degenerate continues to deteriorate, as months of hiding, censorship and a lack of work are taking a profound toll on their physical health and mental wellbeing.


The International Campaign for Afghanistan’s Musicians continues to work to

  • Raise awareness about the plight of Afghanistan’s musicians

  • Advocate for the recognition of musicians as ‘members of a particular social group’ as outlined under the 1951 UN Refugee Convention

  • Provide assistance to Afghanistan’s musicians as they strive to survive, whether in hiding in Afghanistan or as they flee, resettle, and build life anew in a foreign country

  • Contact if you would like more information or to get involved.



22 February 2022, 7pm, Temple Church, London EC4Y 7BB

The Scent of Kharabat: Concert for Afghanistan


US Supporters – CALL TO ACTION regarding the release of Frozen Afghan Funds

Whilst Afghanistan is facing one of the largest humanitarian crises in the world, the Biden administration is proposing to split the frozen Afghan funds—which includes the savings of everyday Afghans—between humanitarian aid in the country and compensation of the victims of the 9/11 attacks. Whilst the 9/11 victims should receive any and all appropriate compensation, this is an inappropriate use of these funds which are currently needed to save the lives of millions of people left in destitution. Please consider contacting your congress person today. More information here from Afghans for A Better Tomorrow:



With profound gratitude for your support,


The International Campaign for Afghanistan’s Musicians


in partnership with...

Daanish Foundation

South-Asian Arts UK

Interplay Theatre

Teach to Learn

Schweitzer Institute



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